lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2011

Three Musketeers

No no no no no no no no NO!!!! This is too ridiculous. Way too stupid. If you want to make fantasy out of historical times, figure out a new story DON'T ruin the old one. I cannot tell you how much I hate these new adaptations where a fantastic source material is dummed down for the new adhd generation and then made to be an action packed SGI mess just because. It is Sherlock Holmes story all over again: an amazing story put into 'new' shape to cash in money only for the money's sake. Ok that's Hollywood for you but please pay a little respect, would ya.There were no matrix back in the day and ninjas lived in Japan.

You can make money with good films too. Like If you want an awesome action adventure movie, check out the 1993 version. It is still stupid but at the same time it is humorous, exciting and respects the source material. No effing medieval matrix CGI. Plus you cannot go wrong with Keifer Sutherland, Charlie Sheen (who is like super hot in this movie) and the AMAZING Tim Curry.Check out this video, and then the movie. You'll have the best time of your life, I promise

On a side note, I don't mind 2004 version of Van Helsing although it portrays the same faults as all of the new Hollywood reboots. There are probably few reasons why: Hugh Jackman and Richard Roxburg's Dracula. Jackman is probably the hottest man on earth and Roxburg was an amazing Dracula. I think he should've been the main character in the movie.