torstai 9. toukokuuta 2013

Why I Think Silent Hill 3 Is the Best Though It Is Not

First and foremost I have to tell you that I haven’t played these games. Therefore you can totally Ignore my opinions and call me a dump bitch. But to my benefit I have watched tons of Silent Hill Let’s Plays from different players and done my research story wise. I haven’t gone to the Forums but that is only because I’m too lazy to do it. And there are some pretty damn clear explanations out there that do explain what is happening during the story.
This is not a regular review and there are no spoilers. Let’s start.

Most of people agree that Silent Hill 2 is the best in the series. I think everybody agree that the first three are the best in the series. A lot of fans include the fourth one in the best of list. As I haven’t actually played any of them my opinion has a great disadvantage; there is no way I can ever feel the true ambiance of the game. I do believe that I would agree with you if I had played it and truly experienced the intense ambiance of the second game.  But alas, I am a coward.

But in other aspects Silent Hill 2, as great it is, it doesn’t quite press the same buttons as Silent Hill 3. The third one in the series is totally different in its feel to it but I find it to be more successful. Although the scares and the gore is right there in your face it still very haunting and unsettling in its feel.

The music in the third one is superb. It is absolutely fantastic and definitely the best one in the series. The music in the first boss is, in my humble opinion, the best song in the whole Silent Hill history and I love listening to it in my spare time. It is sounds like the last judgment day and tells us we are all screwed.
To be fair Silent Hill is not about creating a solid musical soundtrack but it is about the silence and the unsettling background sounds. Well we all know that Silent Hill does this fantastically in all of the games

As a woman I relate to the protagonist most of the others but I bet the boys still can relate to her. I think a lot of fans get attracted to her due to her spunk and attitude. She is still quite the human but she doesn’t take any bs. Unlike the other protagonists in the series she goes to hell head on and deals with it. 

The storyline is more in your face than in some other games. In the second game I found it a bit too vague and hard to follow. Ok I had no clue what was going on and had to read off game what was going on. Also I had to watch plenty of play throughs to finally really understand what was going on. Yes I might’ve missed a lot of story elements as I wasn’t the one doing the actual gamin -bit but the other games didn’t require as much research. Ok the fourth one was even more mystical.  Call me stupid, call me slow but it is very difficult hard to put things together when I’m shitting my pants.

Ok, so the subtle things won’t translate to a watcher as well as to the player. Perhaps that is why I find the gore and the absolutely hirendious monsters very unseteling and scary. About half of the game is spent in the other world which is done extremely well. I think it is the best other world in the whole series.
One of the main themes in Silent Hill is the contrast between the ‘safe’ normal world and the hellish otherworld. The other world is almost like one of the main characters, it is one of the core elements of the whole series. You all know this and love Silent Hill for that very reason; it is not only the living humans that play a key role but also the whole town, your own surroundings gets its own breath of life and does everything to haunt you. I guess the town in the second game is worse, since it does have a will of its own. In the other games it is the cult that brings the hell on earth which is less scary, in a way.

So I love the gore, I love the characters, I love the music and I love the storyline. But there are some crucial elements that bring Silent Hill 3 down and for these failings it is not the most popular one. 

I suppose as it took completely different interpretation from the predecessor, the fans were a bit disappointed in the overview of the game. It was not as haunting and psychological but more mainstreamly blood and darkness focused, it failed the expectations. I thought it was more true to the original Silent Hill which should point to its benefit. Then again, who says a game series should always repeat the same pattern and the directors truly showed that it is not necessary.

I feel like Silent Hill 3 is made from two parts. The first part is where the game fails: it is dragged out and in the end pointless. I suppose the developers wanted to show how the world changes around the protagonist but they got ever excited. Perhaps there are different little signs that point out what is to come but I failed to see them. Expecially the third part of the first portion of the game seems to me completely arbitrary.
Perhaps I should’ve done some research about the development of the game. Maybe they run out of money and time and therefore some bits were left out. That happens too often in games and leaves them somewhat hollow. 

So I understand why people don’t regard Silent Hill 3 as the best one of the series but it is that to me. When I think of Silent Hill games, I always think of the third for it is what represents Hell the best. Nobody would survive in that distorted world sane or wanting to survive it alive. For that I love the game and grant it the  greatest Silent Hill game -status. Although I know that it is not the best :)

 Pictures were stolen from Google